Thursday, October 18, 2012


hidup itu pilihan ~
tapi haruskah kita memilih disaat kita tidak memungkinkan memilih pilihan yang diberikan kepada kita ><
klo gw si cuma bakal milih no comment and take a distance ~
wlaupun itu salah tapi lebih baik cri posisi aman aja dan menjauh dri masalah ^^


"disaat kita bahagia, semua orang mendekat dan berada di sekeliling kita. namun disaat kita kesusahan dan membutuhkan orang lain, kita baru tau yang mana yang benar-benar peduli dan mengerti kita (=" -- Someone

Friday, October 5, 2012

Various Types of Friend

there are 3 different type of friend:

Fake Friend is someone that hear our problem and talk bullshit behind us

Friend is someone that can hear our problem but can't understand it 100%

Best Friend is someone that hear, care, and go with us when we're at a trouble.

Love ~


When you hear that phrase what do you think?

some other might think it's so lovey dovey when they have a lover..

but they didn't know what would happen at the end (break up)

all they can is regret, cry, and move on..

so hey ANYONE THAT STILL SINGLE ^o^ , be Cheers 'cause not all couple have a happy ending XD

Sunday, September 30, 2012


akhirnya buat blog juga XD
^o^ karna baru pertama belum bisa nge-post apa" dlu tpi nnti juga akan ngepost kok ^^